Thursday, 5 January 2012

Hair Slice

The pain of maintaining short hair.

One last drastic haircut before going girlie again. I'm thinking something that requires hair clippers rather than just scissors. Bring it on.

By the by, in Hat Yai they translated hair trimming as 'hair slice.' So alternately I can say that I'm getting a hair slice.

Oh and they really can't pronounce shh and zzz. For instance instead of ex-el (as in size XL) they'll pronounce it as ik-el. Reminds me of the Thai lady running the Aenderungsatelier in Frankampstrasse.

Nit vergesen. Bi piel? Zek Euro. Mut machen. Ik mak Thai massas.


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

How to Deal With Unrequited Love

I meant to write more consistently here than I did my last blog but as usual with all my other previous 'fresh' new blog, it didn't materialize as I wishes it would. I have a lot that I want to write; there are currently 4 posts in my draft that I hope to finish. Somehow it seems like time is more elusive in warmer climate, but that could just be me and my laziness..

I have 2 hours to kill before I have to check out from the hotel and head back home; home where I shall start tackling the brick walls that stand between where I want to be and where I am now, enjoying the view of a dream from a safe observation point, where I can imagine me coasting through everything to get to the goal without actually having to live it and risk anything. That observation point, that is a place for cowards.

Today let's not talk about that. Let's talk about how to deal with unrequited love.


Avoid it.

If you like someone, let him/her know. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor in the long run. Afraid of rejection? Well, at least you can start the process of getting over that person as soon as possible. Instead of pining for that someone and torturing yourself with the thought of 'what ifs' forever. You conjure up an impossibly perfect dream for you and that person in your mind, carry the thought day by day and 20-30 years down the line, if you two were to meet again, sparks will fly right of the bat, and if the both of you were married to someone else, kan susah tu. You are being unfair to yourself. And to whoever you end up marrying. It's like cheating per se, emotional cheating. If the cheating gets physical, semua orang pon tau itu dosa besar jadi faham-faham sendiri la.

Soal hati dan perasaan ni, kadang-kadang orang waras pon boleh buat benda-benda tak masuk akal. Love is what blurs the line of good and evil. Makes good men turn against each other. It shatters dreams, even after it was built on decades of trust and affection.

Hakikatnya, cinta Tuhan sahaja yang menjamin ketenangan tapi realitinya, fitrah manusia ni perlukan kasih sayang seorang insan yang lain. Sebab itu Tuhan bagi kita rasa nikmat cinta terhadap manusia lain. Memang nikmat. Sampai kebanyakan manusia lalai. Kadang-kadang tu sampai sanggup risk apa saja. Aku sendiri sedar, kalau nak bercakap pasal cinta abadi dengan Tuhan ni, memang terasa tak layak, sebab masih banyak cacat cela dalam hubungan aku dengan Dia.

Tapi aku juga sedar, cinta bukan segala-galanya. Love doesn't justify everything. It doesn't make wrong turns right. Kalau bercinta sesama jantina itu salah, betapa suci mana pon satu pasangan tu meletakkan nilai cinta mereka, masih tetap salah di sisi agama. Masih salah kalau bercinta dan ingin berkahwin dengan orang berlainan agama yang tak mahu menukar agamanya. Masih salah kalau bercinta dengan adik-beradik sendiri. Masih salah kalau bercinta dengan isteri orang sebab perempuan tak boleh kahwin lebih dari satu. Kalau bercinta dengan suami orang at least si suami tu boleh kahwin dua. Kalau si lelaki tu betul-betul jujurla.

Ok pening sudah. Beg masih tak packing. Main point is, kalau suka, bagitau saja. Come on la, in other part of the world people are still fighting for the most basic human rights like clean water and not getting rape/kill at every turn, and here we are dealing with another silly, petty first world pain which is the prospect of being rejected by a boy/girl. Grow some vagina (read somewhere that the phrase 'grow some balls' are anatomically incorrect as balls are not capable of anything physically powerful except for just hanging there whereas a vagina can push a 3kg human being out of a uterus). And save yourself some pain later on.